The Best Ways To Use Flavor Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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At Sonoma Farm, we take pride in offering the best quality flavor-infused extra virgin olive oil. And since our olive oils are the best, we want our customers to enjoy them to the fullest, not only making the best use of the enhanced flavor our oils can bring to their cooking, but also maximizing the health benefits that these oils offer. That’s why we want to remind you not to head EVOO past its smoke point when using it in cooking, as this will degrade the quality of the oil. And it’s why we want to remind you of some of the ways you can use flavored olive oils in your kitchen.

The Many Uses of Flavored Olive Oils

There are countless ways to use extra virgin olive oil. It can be used to cook, as a dipping sauce for bread, as a salad dressing, or as a finishing touch on pasta dishes. And flavor-infused extra virgin olive oils can add a burst of extra flavor to these uses and many more.

And while it has many uses in the kitchen, it can be more than just an ingredient for your own cooking. These oils can also make wonderful Christmas gifts for friends or anyone you know who loves good food. They can also make hostess gifts or housewarming presents for those who like spending time in the kitchen. Or you can gift small bottles to friends as a party favor.

And there are dozens of ways you or your friends can use these oils

Marinades: When cooking chicken, beef, fish, or vegetables, these oils make a great marinade. Try Rosemary/Basil Infused Olive Oil on chicken or pot roast, for example, or Lemon Infused Olive Oil.

Sauces: Likewise, these oils make a great base for sauces, adding an extra layer of flavor to dishes like pasta.

Salad Dressings: For a healthier salad dressing option, consider using flavored olive oil for a delicious, guilt-free alternative.

Dipping Sauces: Jazz up your next charcuterie board with a few of these oils or use them as dipping sauces for your bread.

Some Good Things to KnowAbout Flavor Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil

To get the most out of your flavored olive oil, there are some important facts you need to know.

Storing olive oil in a fridge will cause it to crystalize and start to solidify. That’s not necessarily a problem if you’re using the oil for cooking, but if you want to use it as a dip or in a salad dressing, you’ll want to bring the oil back to room temperature to get it in a fully liquid state before using it.

And if you’re worried that infusing EVOO with herbs and other flavors undermines its health benefits, have no fear. Even after infusion, extra virgin olive oil contains the highest quality of polyphenols and monosaturated oleic acid. Using our flavor-infused extra virgin olive oil offers the same great health benefits associated with regular EVOO.

These oils also make great beauty aids as well. Due to the intense aroma of the different flavored olive oils, they make a great addition to massage therapies and beauty treatments.

So, if you’re ready to begin using the best quality flavor-infused extra virgin olive oil, remember us at Sonoma Farm.

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